CardDweeb Updates and Announcements

Hello fellow Card Wars enthusiasts! I want to give a few updates for the future of this project and the community.

Adventure Time: The Roleplaying Game

Although I am not a huge RPG fan myself. I recommend checking out the Adventure Time roleplaying game. It has 2 weeks remaining for funding and they already hit the goal so you're guaranteed the pledge reward for backing.

CardDweebs first supporter!

Huge thank you to Mataio Wilson for being the first financial supporter of the CardDweeb project. You rock! Donations are never required but greatly appreciated. I do not intend to profit off this project and any support will go directly towards server costs, domain registration, or improving the site.

CardDweeb project Updates

While development has been slower on the project, I am still planning out ideas to improve the site and I am still building out some of the original planned features and should be able to wrap most of them up by mid-Summer.

Unfinished planned features

  • How to play page
  • Rules page
  • FAQ & rulings page
  • Deck data analytics
  • Sample hand and basic goldfishing for your deck
  • Mobile companion app (Life counter, card viewer) (Card viewer and life counter already added to the site itself)
  • Dark mode

Thanks again for your support and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to reach out!


Created: 05/02/2024 15:13:04
Modified: 05/02/2024 15:13:04