Card Dweeb offically released

I am happy to announce Card Dweeb has officially released! This first version has the minimum features needed for me to feel comfortable releasing it to the public, but I plan on improving it until the official Card Wars 10th aniversary release (and potentially much further if the game thrives).

Version 1.0.0 includes the following features

  • Deck Building
  • Card Database
  • Life Counter (only on mobile)

Planned features

I have a few features planned for this website, but am always open to suggestions on improving this project (see contact info below if you would like to reach out).

  • How to play page
  • Rules page
  • FAQ & rulings page
  • Deck data analytics
  • Sample hand and basic goldfishing for your deck
  • Mobile companion app (Life counter, card viewer)
  • Dark mode

Contact me

Reach out to me on Twitter/X Link

Follow the projects development on Github Link

Or find me in the Card Wars Community Discord (username: itderrickh) Link

Created: 01/03/2024 18:24:14
Modified: 01/03/2024 18:24:14